Frequently Asked Questions
What are the academic benefits of obtaining a degree from Mississippi State?
Mississippi State is ranked by the National Science Foundation as one of the nation’s Top 100 research institutions.
As an institution, Mississippi State prides itself in promoting programs and services designed to encourage academic success and career readiness. The MSU Career Center is committed to ensuring our students smoothly transition into career ready professionals by nurturing professional growth through skills that enhance critical thinking, oral/written communication, teamwork, leadership, professionalism, career management, and global/intercultural fluency – all of which are identified as Career Readiness Competencies and are skillsets that employers across the country seek when hiring graduates. Through the combination of instruction from our esteemed faculty, promotion of career competencies, and the inclusion of practical work experience students gain through programs such as our accredited Cooperative Education and Internship Program, 80% of our Mississippi State graduates are either employed or continuing education upon graduation, and this assurance to our students and graduates is the overall benefit of obtaining an academic degree from Mississippi State.
How can I see my student’s grades, absences, and other general information?
The easiest and quickest way for families to receive information about their student’s grades is for the student to provide it directly. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) gives students certain rights with respect to their education records. Mississippi State may not disclose academic records without the student’s consent.
Here are a few simple ways to access your student’s grades:
Transcripts: For access to final grades, students can look up their academic transcript online and email a copy. On myBanner under “Academic Records” students should choose “View Your Transcript, Degrees, Transfer Courses.
Parent Portal: Students can designate access to academic records to parents and/or guardians via their myState account. On myBanner under “Academic Records” students should choose “FERPA Release & Parent Portal Access” and complete the information granting access.
CANVAS: Students can snap a quick picture of grades for a specific class if it’s captured on CANVAS.
Where can I find important date and deadline information?
The Office of the Registrar publishes Mississippi State’s academic calendar. To access the calendar visit
How can my student learn about the specific curriculum for a major?
There are many different ways a student can access the curriculum for a particular major.
College or Departmental Website
Most curriculums can be found on the college websites, under the respective department.
CAPP compliance
All Mississippi State students have access to the degree audit system CAPP (curriculum, advising, and program planning) in myState. CAPP helps students and advisors track progress toward graduation. It outlines all courses required for the chosen major and which courses have been completed or remain to be taken, as well as hours earned, GPAs, and transfer hours. Students can also do a "what if" analysis to see how completed courses fit into different majors. Using the CAPP information, you and your advisor can focus on your goals and plan how to achieve them.
To view CAPP, students should choose “CAPP compliance” under “Academic Records” in myState and view a previously run evaluation or generate a new evaluation. To investigate a possible change in major or the addition of a double major, students should choose a What-If evaluation. These audits will utilize courses completed and those scheduled to inform students of their status at any point in their university career. Questions concerning articulation or substitution of courses should be directed to a students’ advisor or the college Dean’s office.
Email additional questions about the University Degree Audit System to
Advisors are located on the bottom left of a student’s main myState page. Students should contact the department of their major to locate the name of their advisor.
How does my student register for classes?
First time students will register during Orientation. Continuing students will need to meet with their advisor and utilize CAPP compliance (accessed through myState) to make sure they are staying on track. If there are no Holds on a student’s account, registration will then take around the middle of the semester. On myBanner under “Registration” students should choose “Register for Classes.” Students should complete their own registration process.
Registration is not complete upon receipt of payment and fees. Visit the Office of the Registrar website for more information.
Where can my student get help with the transition to Mississippi State?
The Center for Student Success promotes student learning and an enriched Mississippi State student experience by providing services, programs, and resources that help students make the transition into university life; aid students’ decision-making, especially during their freshman year; and help students achieve personal and academic progress and growth, targeted toward graduation.
The Center coordinates many well-known Mississippi State programs and offices, including College Ready, the Freshman Year Navigator program, Supplemental Instruction, The Learning Center, and the University Academic Advising Center (UAAC).
There is also a class (FYE 1001) that is geared toward helping freshmen adjust to college life.
Where can my student find tutoring services?
The University provides several mechanisms for tutoring:
- Supplemental Instruction (SI): SI is a free academic resource designed to help students succeed in historically difficult courses. Study sessions are led by SI Leaders, students who have already taken the class and succeeded. SI Leaders attend all class lectures, take notes, meet with their assigned faculty member, plan for study sessions, and lead study sessions. For more sessions regarding SI visit
- Private Tutoring: Private tutoring is also available for students for a small fee of $15.00 and students must complete at least 4 hours worth of sessions. For more information regarding private tutoring visit
- Writing Center: Students have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a trained consultant dedicated to working on writing skills. During any stage of the composition processes, staff members are available to help with brainstorming, development, and revisions. For more information regarding the writing center visit
To learn more, visit The Learning Center online or stop by 267 Allen Hall.
How can I contact a professor?
Your student should be in contact with their professors. When a student is enrolled in the class, the professor gives out a syllabus with his or her office hours and an email address. Due to FERPA (see above information) the professor should only communicate academic related information with your student. If you have questions about how to handle a situation, please contact the Office of Parent & Family Services.
Campus Life/Resources
Where can my student find a job or receive help with a resume?
Mississippi State students are encouraged to visit the Career Center early and often during their time on campus. Career Center liaisons regularly provide assistance in choosing an academic major, drafting and polishing resumes, locating internships and preparing to land that first job after graduation, and everything in between.
The best way for a student to find a job on or off campus is the door-to-door approach. Many departments and local businesses hire students that apply directly. Students should grab a resume, dress professionally, and hit the pavement to find a part-time position that fit within their class schedule. Other ways to find a job include:
Work-Study: Federal Work-Study (FWS) is a federally funded, need-based student work program awarded by Financial Aid. Interest in work-study must be indicated on the FAFSA each year in order to be considered for the award.
Part-Time Jobs: The Career Center is a great resource for students that are job searching. Some local employers and campus departments post positions through the Career Center’s Connections site.
What resources exist for International students?
The International Institute houses many resources for International students. Visit to learn about these resources.
Where will my student eat on campus?
Our dining services offers 23 on-campus restaurants including 5 all you care to eat Residential Dining Halls. Our dining services team include chefs and dietitians that recognize and accommodate food allergies, preferences, and special dietary needs in a personalized manner. All freshman students will be automatically enrolled in the Ultimate Meal Plan when you enroll in housing on campus. The Ultimate Meal Plan comes with unlimited meal swipes into the dining halls and $150 Flex. You have the option to change to the Gold or Silver Plans within the first two weeks of each semester. For more information regarding University Dining, please visit
Where will my student live on campus?
When living on campus, your student will call one of our 16 Residence Halls HOME! Explore our Residence Halls to see the different styles and sizes of rooms available to your student. At Mississippi State, first time freshmen are required to live on campus unless they receive an approved exemption for the Freshman Residency Requirement. Additionally, several academic colleges partner with Housing and Residence Life to create Living-Learning and Theme Communities for students who have similar interests to live near one another on a hallway block.
Does my student need a vehicle on campus?
Student vehicles on campus are completely optional. All students have access to the SMART (Starkville Metro Area Rapid Transit) transit system which is free to ride and provides pick-up and drop locations throughout campus and the city of Starkville. Our campus routes run Monday through Friday from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M., while our city routes run Monday through Saturday from 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. We also offer the GTR Airport Express which provides free transit to the Golden Triangle Airport, this service and schedule is based on flight arrivals and departure times. To assist with tracking buses on SMART, please download the “Double Map” app on your smart device and register, this app offers live bus tracking for each active route. You can find additional information on SMART and specific routes at our website,
If your student decides to bring a vehicle to campus, they will need a valid Mississippi State permit. Student permits are purchased through their MyState account and shipped to the designated residence. Once the purchase is finalized, the student will receive a receipt email that should be printed off and displayed on the vehicle dashboard. This will provide access to parking on campus while the permit is being shipped. If the permit does not arrive in 14 days, please visit Parking & Transit Services at the Roberts Building for assistance. Other options for student parking include timed and metered areas, such as East Lee Meters, Barnes & Noble Meters and the Old Main Parking Garage. All vehicles must park in their designated permit zones from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M., Monday through Friday.
How does my student receive academic accommodations based on a disability?
A student can receive testing accommodations for a documented disability by registering with Disability Support Services (DSS.) To register, students should complete the online application under “Academic Records” in myBanner and choose “Disability Support Services Application.”
Once the student completes the application and provides the appropriate documentation, DSS will conduct an intake appointment to go over how to receive accommodations based on the particular disability.
Do you have a student counseling center?
Mississippi State’s Counseling Center is staffed by licensed psychologists, licensed professional counselors, and social workers to provide comprehensive services for personal, social, developmental, and general mental health needs. As part of the services they offer both individual and group counseling. More information regarding services can be found at
How can students get involved with student organizations on campus?
Whether your students are looking to find a place where they will fit in, or simply making the most of their leisure time, the Center for Student Activities offers a wide variety of ways to get involved in campus life. Mississippi State boasts over 400 student organizations which provide an ample amount of ways for students to get involved, meet other people, and make the most of their college experience.
Many of the student organizations are required to have a non-discrimination clause. There are several organizations on campus that are identity based or faith-based organizations with stricter membership clauses.
The best way to view these organizations and experiences is for your student to visit This site is the hub for getting connected with events, student organizations, and volunteer experiences. We have already created a profile for every student, they just need to log in with their netID and password. Here they can customize their profile, search and connect with organizations, and get plugged in!
What is Mississippi State’s residency requirement?
Mississippi State's Freshman Residency Requirement requires freshman students enrolled in twelve (12) or more semester credit hours to reside in University Student Housing. This requirement excludes summer sessions and is applicable until the attainment of sophomore standing (30 semester credit hours), or the receipt of an exemption from the Department of Housing and Residence Life.
Read the Freshman Residency Requirement Policy.
Students can apply for housing once they are admitted to Mississippi State. To apply visit
Can you choose your roommate?
Yes. Mississippi State Housing and Residence Life will make every effort to assign students to the same room as his or her preferred roommate as long as each student mutually requests each other by the priority deadline. For new Fall students, the Freshmen deadline is April 1. For new Spring students, the deadline is November 30. For information regarding housing visit
How does my student receive housing accommodations based on a disability?
A student can receive testing accommodations for a documented disability by registering with Disability Support Services (DSS.) To register, students should complete the online application under “Academic Records” in myBanner and choose “Disability Support Services Application.”
Once the student completes the application and provides the appropriate documentation, DSS will conduct an intake appointment to go over how to receive accommodations based on the particular disability.
Is there university sponsored housing for students with children?
Mississippi State’s housing partner, Greystar, allows students with children to reside in our new upper-division residential community, College View. All leasing policies and requirements are facilitated by College View. There are no particular policies governing this and the student leases are facilitated through College View, not Mississippi State.
Where can I find information about off-campus housing?
The Office of Off-Campus Student Services (OCSS) helps students who are currently, or considering, living off campus. OCSS strives to provide students with the resources necessary to have a positive off-campus experience. Learn more at
When do students typically begin searching for off-campus housing?
Students typically begin searching for next year’s off-campus housing at least six months in advance.
Where can I locate information on COVID-19?
COVID-19 information and resources are available at
What is the financial benefit (cost-wise compared to other public universities in MS) for obtaining a degree from Mississippi State?
The most recent “Best Value College” ranked Mississippi State at the top. According to the study, Mississippi State graduates receive an average starting salary of $51,100, $2,600 higher than the next highest university in the rankings. The average starting salary for all Mississippi higher education graduates is $44,557. Read the most recent study at:
Does Mississippi State have a payment plan?
Yes. Students may choose to pay in full or enroll in a payment plan. The cost to enroll in the payment plan each semester is $50. The plan will split the total amount due into four payments. Students enroll in the plan after logging into the QuikPAY® system in their myState account. You will provide credit card or bank account information when enrolling in the plan to allow payments to be automatically charged or drafted on the established due dates. For information regarding costs, understanding your bill, making payments and getting refunds, please visit
How does my student give me access to view account details?
Students can provide authorized (QuikPAY®) access to parents/guardians who will be assisting with the student account charges. For information on how your student can set you up as an Authorized Payer, please visit
What are the disciplinary actions for students who break campus rules?
Mississippi State recognizes students as adults who are expected to obey the law and the rules and regulations of the university, to take personal responsibility for their conduct, to respect the rights of others, and to have regard for the preservation of state and university property, as well as the private property of others. Mississippi State will not police the personal lives of students on or off campus or invade their privacy by spying or intrusive searches; however, students whose conduct threatens to cause disorder, public disturbances, danger to themselves or others, or property damage will be disciplined. The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) determines the need for intervention and activation of appropriate resources and responses for behaviors. To find out about BIT, including frequently asked questions, please visit
What should I do if I have not heard from my student?
This may be a good thing! Your student maybe busy adjusting to a new schedule and having fun, while studying for a course.
Does Mississippi State offer graduate degree program assistance for students? If so, what departments are they in?
Graduate students are eligible to apply for a research, teaching and service assistantship. Many of the assistantships provide monthly stipends and a portion of tuition. For more information about assistantships visit
What is the student demographic breakdown at Mississippi State?
The most up-to-date information on Mississippi State’s student population is maintained through Mississippi State’s Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness (OIRE) Visit and choose the academic year under Common Data Set.
What are the disciplinary actions for students who fail classes?
Mississippi State prescribes minimum standards of scholarship in determining whether a student may continue with studies. This determination is made at the end of the fall and spring semesters, at the end of the summer session, or any part of a semester in which the student has been enrolled. While the academic standing of a student is determined by the Mississippi State Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA), students must earn a 2.0 GPA on both the Mississippi State and overall cumulative GPA’s to earn a degree. Information regarding academic probation, suspension, and dismissal can be found at (Individual colleges may have higher GPA requirements for graduation.)
Will computers be part of the tuition?
No, computers are not covered as part of tuition.
New Student
Does Mississippi State offer parent orientation and other parent resources to help their children?
Once your student is admitted to Mississippi State, we encourage students and family members to sign up for an Orientation session. Information regarding Orientation sign-up can be found at
Parents and Families are also strongly encouraged to connect with the Office of Parent and Family Services. A handbook is updated annually to help guide families through Mississippi State’s many different resources. View the Handbook.
Where can my student purchase textbooks?
Your student can purchase books at the campus Barnes & Noble. Books can also be reserved online through the students’ myState account. Under “Registration” choose “Order or Reserve Your Textbooks.”
Health and Safety
How does Mississippi State promote mental health maintenance and adhere to privacy regulations for students?
The department of Health Promotion and Wellness engages students through initiatives to promote complete mental, physical, and social well-being.
In accordance with the HIPAA policy, Mississippi State is committed to protecting the confidentiality of protected health information and in complying with State and Federal regulations regarding protected health information.
Is it safe, in the current political climate, for students to attend Mississippi State and live on campus?
Mississippi State is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that is inclusive and supportive for all students.
Where can I find out more about safety on campus?
The Maroon Alert System includes several methods of notifying the university community that an emergency exists or is developing. Maroon Alerts are only sent for emergencies or periodic tests. To learn more about the Maroon Alert System, visit
Can my student purchase health insurance through the university?
Student Injury and Sickness Insurance plan can be purchased through the Longest Student Health Center. Find out more information at
What medical services does Mississippi State provide to enrolled students?
As a student you are not charged for your office visits. All other medical procedures and supplies are available at reasonable charges. Other services including X-Rays, Lab Fees, Physical Therapy, Medications are billed to the insurance provided on the date of service, with the remaining balance billed to the patient.
Is there a pharmacy on campus?
Mississippi State has a full-service pharmacy and accepts prescription transfers. Charges are transferred to student accounts daily if not paid at time of service. Insurance claims will be filed, and most major pharmacy coverage plans are accepted.
Where can students receive urgent/emergency medical treatment when the Student Health Center is closed?
OCH Regional Medical Center is located just north of downtown Starkville and provides comprehensive hospital services that include a fully staffed emergency room. There are also many local urgent care facilities.
Who should my student contact for an escort to walk in the dark?
Safe Walk is a 24/7 service operated by the MSUPD to safely escort individuals to their vehicles, buildings or other campus destinations. Telephone or text 662.325.2121 and an escort will be sent to walk students to their destination. Safe Walk members are equipped with two-way radios and wear reflective vests. At night, patrol members travel throughout campus in golf carts to provide extra sets of eyes and ears for officers on duty and report any activity that may require law enforcement response. Hours of operation vary but the generally begin at dark and continue until the early morning hours.
What actions are in place to ensure that students understand and adhere to antibullying/anti-hazing assurances?
Hazing is prohibited. Physical hazing violates statutes of the State of Mississippi. Any member and/or group failing to comply with this policy are subject to disciplinary action. This policy pertains to all pledges, active, and alumni members of the fraternity, sorority, or other organizations. For purposes of this policy, hazing is defined as any individual or organization that, in the course of another person's initiation into or affiliation with any organization, intentionally or recklessly engages in conduct that creates a substantial risk of physical injury to such other person or a third person. More information regarding the University’s hazing policy can be viewed at
What is the policy for drugs, guns, alcohol on campus?
Unlawful sale, possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages and firearms is prohibited. The following policies outline more information:
Illegal Drugs:
Alcoholic beverages:
How does Mississippi State communicate with students and parents/guardians in emergency situations (dorm fire, weather emergency, campus lockdown, active shooter, terrorism, threats?)
Maroon Alert, is the university’s emergency notification platform and uses texts, emails, phone calls and more to inform the university community of imminent or existing dangers. Additionally, the university has various guidelines, policies and procedures related to emergency situations. To view the processes visit and follow @MaroonAlert on Twitter to receive important information and updates.
Families and friends can sign up for Maroon Alert by texting “MAROONALERT” to 888777. This keyword is not case-sensitive. You will be enrolled in the Maroon Alert Community Engagement and will receive a text from 888777 anytime an alert is issued. You may text “STOP” to 888777 at any time to be removed from the system.
Why MSU?
Why should a student interested in attending college choose Mississippi State?
- Has more than 175 programs that lead to baccalaureate, master’s or doctoral degrees
- The diverse, award-winning faculty bring out the best in students who are enrolled in the eight academic colleges
- Provides numerous services, programs, activities and resources to assist students in their college experience
- Land-grant institution
- Has a presence in all 82 Mississippi counties
- Member of the Southeastern Conference (SEC) for intercollegiate athletics
- Recognized by the U.S. News & World Report as one the nation’s most veteran friendly institutions.
- Mississippi State is home to the Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library and 1 of 5 universities in the U.S. to house a presidential library.