How can students get involved with student organizations on campus?

Whether your students are looking to find a place where they  will fit in, or simply making the most of their leisure time, the Center for Student Activities offers a wide variety of ways to get involved in campus life. Mississippi State boasts over 400 student organizations which provide an ample amount of ways for students to get involved, meet other people, and make the most of their college experience.

Many of the student organizations are required to have a non-discrimination clause. There are several organizations on campus that are identity based or faith-based organizations with stricter membership clauses.

The best way to view these organizations and experiences is for your student to visit This site is the hub for getting connected with events, student organizations, and volunteer experiences. We have already created a profile for every student, they just need to log in with their netID and password. Here they can customize their profile, search and connect with organizations, and get plugged in!