
Does Mississippi State have a payment plan?

Yes. Students may choose to pay in full or enroll in a payment plan. The cost to enroll in the payment plan each semester is $50. The plan will split the total amount due into four payments. Students enroll in the plan after logging into the QuikPAY® system in their myState account. You will provide credit card or bank account information when enrolling in the plan to allow payments to be automatically charged or drafted on the established due dates.

What is the financial benefit (cost-wise compared to other public universities in MS) for obtaining a degree from Mississippi State?

The most recent “Best Value College” ranked Mississippi State at the top. According to the study, Mississippi State graduates receive an average starting salary of $51,100, $2,600 higher than the next highest university in the rankings. The average starting salary for all Mississippi higher education graduates is $44,557. Read the most recent study at: